Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lego of My Ego

Damn you, side crow.

I slipped out of the pose last week during a morning yoga class, elbowing my right tissue expander on my descent resulting in a strained/pulled/torn muscle. I haven't worked out since.

First of all, I should have never been in side crow. Easy to realize that now. But for anyone who has had to work their way back from surgery, you can understand my excitement, my disbelief, my relief as I was holding the pose for the first time post-B.C.!

I held freedom for 30 seconds.

...and then I lost my grip. I left class in excruciating pain having done damage to my ribs and my ego.

My poor bruised ego. Had I checked it at the door, it would have released my expectations of what I think my body can or should do. But, I was so eager to prove to myself that I can do all the things I used to do before surgery that not only did I bring my ego into class with me, I brought one with a complex.

My favorite yoga instructor has said repeatedly to "let go of your ego and to honor your body today."

Lesson learned, unfortunately, the hard way. Moving forward, I will try let go of any preconceived notions based on yesterday or last week or last year. Every day is different and should be treated so. Whether its yoga, running or anything else for that matter.

Now, when my ego starts to cloud my judgment, I'll breath in and out like a good yogi...
...and then imagine how funny I must have looked falling out of side crow.

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