Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Later lululemon....

Dear lululemon,

I'm breaking up with you. Well, I actually broke up with you months ago but now I just want to get some things off my chest because quite honestly, I'm still hurting.

When we first fell in love, I would spend all my money on you. And it was a pleasure to do so because you were worth it! You made me feel good about myself. I believed deeply in you because you were special. Smart, athletic, focused on detail and always went above and beyond for me, exceeding all my expectations. You delivered on all your promises and kept true to yourself. I was proud of you and couldn't wait to show you off everywhere we went.

But as time wore on, things changed. You changed. First you started squeezing me for more money. I took notice but didn't care. At the time, my love for you was greater than my love for my hard earned disposable income. Then I noticed you started to break a few small promises. I felt let down but I remained loyal and gave you the benefit of the doubt. "No big deal. Things will get better. It's all growing pains," I thought. 

But then you started telling lies. Big lies. Lots of big lies. And spread yourself way too thin (no pun intended) to please too many others. How long did you think you could fool me? How long did you think it would take me to notice? I know you better than anyone!!! I know you better than know yourself!!! I loved you for God sake!!!

Ruined by your fame and greed, you betrayed my trust. You took advantage of me and used me. You loved me for my money only. God, it still hurts.

Do you know what the worst part is??? Throughout our 8 year love affair--yes 8 years, before you were nobody!-- you didn't even know how good you had it. You never really appreciated me until I left. Well I'm smart, really smart. Savvy too. I'm honest and loyal. I'm willing to work hard and pay a lot for what I want. But I no longer want you...

Sadly I'll admit, I'm lonely. I wish there was someone to take your place. But I haven't found anyone that has been able to ignite the desire and passion I once had for you. Don't worry. I have hope. I know I'll meet someone new and fall in love again. For now, I'd rather count my big stacks of cash alone then to be deceived by you once more. I'm done feeling and looking like a fool.

Goodbye lover. It hurts me just as much as it hurts you. Ugh and I still have hundreds of reminders of you in my closet. Literally. Hundreds.

Later lululemon.

Love, Lil